Mercy Sunday Print

Divine Mercy Sundaydivinemercy1
Gerry Boyle PP. 046-9054138

Last weekend Pope Francis tweeted,
This is the first Easter message that I would offer you: it is
always possible to begin anew, because there is a new life that God can awaken in us in spite of all our failures. From the rubble of our hearts, God can create a work of art.” #Pontifex.
Strong words from our Pope, especially as we read the story of Thomas, and the other disciples in this weekend’s gospel.

Divine Mercy Sunday

Today is Divine Mercy Sunday, an important devotion in the church. There are
images of the Divine Mercy in our three churches which can be visited today or during the coming week. Click on pic. above for more info.

- Thanks to all who availed of our Easter blessing last weekend and for following the
social distancing guidelines.
- Thanks to all who marked Lent in any way during these
challenging times. Thanks to our altar societies and sacristans, who keep the churches open and looking well.
- Thanks to all who have returned envelopes for parish funds, the priest’s salary
and the Trócaire envelopes. Trócaire, being the Irish word for mercy, gives us an opportunity to make a concrete effort to make real God’s love and mercy to us and to all, especially the poor.
- Thanks to Fr Timothy and Lobinstown parish for facilitating our Holy Week ceremonies online.
The Paschal candles for our three churches were lit there on Holy Saturday and are now in place in our three churches.

I continue to offer Mass with Fr Timothy, on Sundays at 10.30am, which can be watched on the Lobinstown church YouTube channel (see link on Home page). I offer Mass each day in the Parochial House along with the Mass on RTE News Now channel at 10.30am. I include intentions when they arise and list them below.

We’re all conscious of how hard the lockdown is on mental health and business and careers in
the future. Please keep going. It’s great to meet people who have got their vaccinations, which will be our way out of this situation. In spite of the frustration, please try to be patient with yourself and others. We have no indication of when we can return to Mass in the church, but it looks like it will be in mid to late May.

Online Donations
Online donations can now be made to parish and diocesan collections
via the Diocesan website HERE
Thanks to all who have returned
envelopes over the past few weeks.

Pope Francis also tweeted,
This is the second message of Easter: faith is not an album of
past memories; Jesus is not outdated. He is alive here and now. He walks beside you each day, in every situation you are experiencing, in every trial you have to endure, in your deepest hopes and dreams.

Easter Blessing
May the Lord bless you this Easter time:
Bless you with faith, guard you against doubt;
Bless you with hope, uplift you in despair;
Bless you with love, keep you from fear;
Bless you with race, calm you in trouble;
Bless you with mercy, help you to forgive;
Bless you with joy, comfort you in sorrow;
So that your heart may rejoice in the Risen Lord.