Wednesday, 03 July 2024
Menendes Station 5 PDF Print E-mail

Jesus speaks to Sr. Josefa Menendes in the 1920's :

"Fearing that I might die before crucifixion, those wicked men, inspired by hatred, not compassion, looked around for someone to help me carry the cross, offering a small reward, and seized on a man of that neighbourhood called Simon . . .Consider two things: though he was a man of goodwill, yet he was a mercenary, and if he carried my cross it was for pay. So, when he began to tire, he allowed the weight to bear more and more on Me, and that is how I fell twice.

There are many souls following in my footsteps who accept to help me carry my cross . . . but they do not give up all self-interest . . . they try to avoid suffering, humiliation, work or fatigue. They accept only what they cannot avoid or what is of strict obligation, and so carry only a small part of my cross. In the next world they will see how far behind they lagged.

On the other hand there are many souls who, urged on by the hope of salvation, but still more by the motive of love, are resolute in their determination to follow me. They offer themselves for all my will may ask . . . They think neither of reward nor of their own merits . . . if my cross comes in the shape of illness, or hidden under some employment that goes against the grain, or is little adapted to their talents, or if there is forgetfulness or opposition from those around, they recognise it and accept it with submission of their will,"

Jesus Prays: " My God and my Father, may my dolorous solitude glorify Thee. May my patience and submission appease Thee. Restrain Thy just wrath against sinful souls and look upon the face of Thy Christ."