Wednesday, 03 July 2024
Testimonies 2 PDF Print E-mail


The Prisoner of the tabernacle

"It is for souls that keeps Me a Prisoner of the Blessed Sacrament. I stay there that all may come and find the comfort they need in the tenderest of Hearts, the best of Fathers, the most faithful of Friends, who will never abandon them. The Holy Eucharist is the invention of Love . . . I live in the midst of sinners that I may be their life, their physician, and the remedy of the diseases bred by corrupt nature . . . Day and night I am on the watch for you in the tabernacle. I will not reproach you . . . I will not cast your sins in your face . . . but I will wash them in My Blood and in My Wounds. . No need to be afraid, come to Me...If you but knew how dearly I love you. "

The Way of Divine Love
Pp 271-2 Reprinted 1952


How extraordinary the idea that God should be held 'prisoner' by man, or at least by man's coldness and indifference!

Unlike Fr John Vianney
, and in contrast to the France of his time, perhaps today we can become so accustomed to the light in the sanctuary that we take it for granted, if we think of it at all.

From time to time, we may have to actively remind ourselves that the sanctuary light bears witness to the One who is truly present within.

Could it be that many of us have become prisoners in the tabernacles of our own homes, too busy, or with our eyes fixed on the entertainment media, like the poor citizens of Ars? Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in our churches today could well serve to release us from our imprisonment.