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Sunday, 26 January 2025

Events for Wednesday 29th January 2025

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St Thomas Aquinas

Starts 02:00 Ends 01:59


An outstanding writer and teacher of philosophy and theology. he taught that Christian revelation and human knowledge are aspects of a single truth and cannot be in conflict with one another.

St. Thomas was born in 1225 into the family of the Count of Aquino. While studying at Cologne, he had St. Albert the Great for an instructor. St. Thomas has been given the title of the Angelic Doctor. His best known works are Adoro te devote, O salutaris, Tantum Ergo, Pange Linqua, and Summa Theologica which was never finished because he died on his way to the Council of Lyons in 1274. His body was transferred to Toulouse in 1369 on January 28th. St. Thomas is the Patron Saint of Book Sellers, Catholic Schools, Colleges, Universities, Philosophers, Schools, Students, and Theology.


Thomas Aquinas - General Audience
Who was St Thomas Aquinas?