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Thursday, 13 February 2025
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Ever since it was captured during his reign, Jerusalem became known as the City of David 1 Chronicles 11: 4-9.

David, wanting to unite the people into one kingdom, no doubt selected Jerusalem because it was centrally located between the northern and southern tribes. It was situated on a hill (Mount Zion), with valleys to east and west and ravines to the south, giving it many defensive advantages. However, the selection of Jerusalem as capital was more than the choice of a human king. It was a place chosen by the Lord God 'out of all the tribes' and which He 'designates as His dwelling'. Deuteronomy 12: 5,6,9-11,13,14,18,20,21

By Divine Providence again, it was to Solomon, not David, that the task of constructing the first Temple was given. 2 Samuel 7: 11-16

In 586 BC the city fell to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon; its walls were torn down, and its beautiful temple destroyed in the siege. After 70 years of captivity, a remnant returned to rebuild the walls and the temple, by command of the Persian king, Cyrus. Centuries later, when the wise men came in search of a newborn king, it was to Jerusalem, city of the king that they came first, now with yet another temple begun by Herod. Matthew 2: 1,2.

Though Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Jerusalem and the temple continued to play a significant role in his life and ministry: Soon after his birth, Mary presented Jesus in the Temple to make the ritual offering for her Purification. Luke 2: 22-24. Each year he accompanied his parents to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, and at age twelve the annual visit proved eventful. Luke 2: 41-50.

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After He took up His public ministry at His Baptism in the Jordan, Jesus cleansed the Temple, driving out those who had desecrated it. Matthew 21: 8-13. He foresaw the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70AD, leaving today but a portion of a ("wailing") wall of the temple,  Luke 19: 37-44, and finally, it was outside Jerusalem that He was crucified, buried and resurrected.

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A virtual visit to the Holy Sepulchre......
Virtual Tour

Fifty days later, the Cenacle in Jerusalem - the upper room where the Last Supper and institution of the Eucharist had taken place prior to His death - became the setting for the descent of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the fledgling Church.Acts 2: 1-8.

Where the outpouring of the Holy Spirit took place...

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After the martyrdom of Stephen it was from Jerusalem that the Church scattered (or spread) Acts 8: 1-8, but to which the believers always returned for important events. Acts 15: 1-18.

After the fall of Jerusalem, it was not until 1919, under  a British Protectorate, that Jerusalem regained its status as capital city of Palestine. During the next three decades, many Jews returned from Europe and elsewhere and, after the Arab-Israeli war of 1948-49, the new city that had grown up was given over to Jewish rule, while the old city remained in Muslim control. Within 20 years, after a six-day war begun by Syria and Egypt, Israel annexed all of Jerusalem and much of the surrounding lands. To the victor the spoils of war, but it was to leave a legacy of suffering, hatred and discontent to the vanquished and the victor. Lasting solutions have proved elusive . . . This is the land to which the successor of Peter came as a messenger of peace in 2009.

Pope Benedict was thus visiting one of the five official patriarchal sees of the Church, namely Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem. The patriarchal see of Jerusalem includes Jordan, Palestinian Territories and Israel.

Christian Community in Danger - Patriarch speaks in London


“Christian identity in Holy Land is in danger”

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Cardinal O'Brien mourns situation of Christians in Jesus' Land

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Vatican Radio - The Cenacle in Jerusalem

Part 1

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Part 2

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Cardinal encourages media to 'give depth' to papal visit

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Pope's Itinerary in Jerusalem in 2009
Monday 11th May

Afternoon visit to the President of Israel at the presidential palace in Jerusalem.
Visit the Yad Vashem Memorial and meet with organisations for interreligious dialogue.

Tuesday 12th May
Visit the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount in Jerusalem and meet the Grand Mufti.
Visit the Western Wall
Meet with the two Chief Rabbis of Israel at the Hechal Shlomo Centre.
12 noon, Regina Coeli with ordinaries of the Holy Land in the Cenacle of Jerusalem and brief visit to the co-cathedral of the Latins.
Afternoon celebration of Mass in the Valley of Josaphat. [next map location: Bethlehem]

Friday 15th May
Celebrate an early private Mass in the chapel of the apostolic delegation to Jerusalem
Ecumenical meeting at the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate.
Visit the Holy Sepulchre and the Armenian patriarchal church of St. James in Jerusalem. [next map location: Joppa (Tel Aviv)]

Symbols and Significance of Pilgrimage to Holy Land

Sean Patrick Lovett travelled with the Pope to the Holy Land.  He told us about one of Pope Benedict’s stated goals for the trip – strengthening the Christian community.

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Five Days in Israel & Palestinian Territories

Cardinal Foley encourages pilgrimages to Holy Land

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Editor's Note: If your video reception is poor, and if you are getting frequent breaks in the transmission,
there is a free download from the internet which will greatly improve matters.
Here is the link

DAY 3 in Jerusalem - Friday
Jerusalem: A Holy City for three monotheistic religions

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The Church of the Resurrection and the Holy Sepulchre

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Benedict XVI: God can make all things new!

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Pope visits Holy Sepulcher

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DAY 2 - Tuesday

Benedict XVI: 'No' to hatred and vengeance

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The Pope, barefoot in the mosque of Jerusalem

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Pope in Israel - Al-Aqsa Mosque

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Pope prays for peace at the Western Wall

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Pope to Chief Rabbis: Mutual confidence and dialogue

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Benedict XVI: Let us pray for the end of the conflict

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Papal Mass aims to encourage Israeli Christians

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Benedict XVI: May Jerusalem be a city of peace

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DAY 1 - Monday

Benedict XVI: Peace is first of all a divine gift

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Pope visits the President of Israel and speaks

to family of kidnapped soldier

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Pope at Holocaust Memorial: Never forget their suffering

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Benedict XVI: Profound compassion for holocaust victims

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Pope: Intensify dialogue to overcome fragmentation

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Vatican spokesperson calls sheikh's remarks
'a direct negation of dialogue'

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The Pope asks Jews and Muslims to focus on what unites them

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Pope in Israel - Third stop: The Western Wall]

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The Cedron Valley prepares to welcome the Pope

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Papal visit reveals Christian hardships in the Holy Land

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Vicar ministers to Haifa’s Hebrew-speaking Catholics

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Other Map Locations in which to view Pope Benedict's visit to the Holy Land:

Fri 8th May Philadelphia (Amman)
Sat 9th May Mt Nebo, Amman
Sun 10th May Amman, Baptism in the Jordan
Mon 11th May Amman, Joppa (Tel Aviv), Jerusalem
Tue 12th May Jerusalem
Wed 13th May Bethlehem
Thu 14th May Nazareth
Fri 15th May Jerusalem, Joppa (Tel Aviv)