Home Church Calendar
Sunday, 30 June 2024

Events for Saturday 6th July 2024

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St Moninne

Starts 08:00 Ends 17:00


St Moninne of Killeavy was one of Ireland's early women saints. After instruction in the religious life, she founded a community of eight virgins, a widow and baby at Sliabh Gullion, Co. Armagh. They lived an eremetical life based on that of Elijah and St John the Baptist. Moninne died in 517 or 518.


St Maria Goretti

Starts 10:00 Ends 19:00


St. Maria Goretti is the first saint in history whose mother was present at her canonization. Believe or not so was Alexander Serenelli, her killer. When St. Maria was 10 years old her father died and Alexander said he would kill her if Maria did not give into his seductions. She refused and he stabbed her 14 times. St. Maria on her death bed forgave Alexander and appeared to him in a dream 8 years after her death and gave him a bouquet of flowers. He converted to Catholicism and was later pardon by the wishes of St. Maria's mother. He was released from prison after 26 years. He became a Franciscan tertiary before he died. St. Maria is the Patron Saint of Teenage Girls and Youth.