St Gregory the Great
St. Gregory was born in Rome around 540. He was elevated to Pope on September 3rd, 590; he called himself "servus servorem Dei" - servant of the servants of God. St. Gregory is the Patron Saint of Musicians, Singers, and Teachers.
He is known above all for his magnificent contributions to the Liturgy of the Mass and Office. He died March 12th, 604. He is considered to be one of the four great doctors of the western Church.
 A Doctor of the Church, (from the Latin docere, to teach), is a saint from whose writings the whole Church is held to have derived great advantage and to whom "eminent learning" and "great sanctity" have been attributed. The honour is always bestowed posthumously.
Sts Ambrose,Augustine, Jerome, and Pope Gregory Iwere the original Doctors of the Church and were named in 1298. They are known collectively as the Great Doctors of the Western Church.
The four Great Doctors of the Eastern Church, Sts John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus, and Athanasius were recognized in 1568 by Pope St. Pius V.
Pope Benedict XVI speaks
Above: the tomb of Gregory, and above right: the altar above it, in St Peter's Basilica, Rome