Can the human heart refrain
From partaking in her pain,
In that mother's pain untold?
Tenth Station Jesus is stripped of His garments.
Invocation V. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. R. Because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
"They divided His clothing among them, and they cast lots to decide what each of them should take." Mark 15: 24
On Calvary his last worldly possessions were wrenched from Him. Even His human dignity was shattered by the crushing ritual of Roman crucifixion. May our love of human possessions never come between us and the fulfilling of the Father's will as we strive to live lives pleasing to Him.
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, deprived of your only possessions, your clothing, may we be stripped of all evil inclinations, and of all that is displeasing to you, so that we may be free to live lives of love and perfect service.
I love You, Jesus; I love You above all things; I repent with my whole heart of having offended You. Never permit me to separate myself from You again. Grant that I may love You always; and then do with me what You will.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father
Responsory V. Have mercy on us, O Lord. R. Have mercy on us.
Jesus Speaks
11th Station