Friday, 20 September 2024
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time PDF Print E-mail

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gerry Boyle PP.   046 9054138

The Sign of the Leper

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 17th February. Pope Francis, in his message for   Lent, invites us to renew our faith, draw from the living waters of hope and receive with open hearts the love of God....the journey of conversion, through fasting, prayer and almsgiving, makes it possible for us to live lives of sincere faith, living hope and effective charity.

To mark the beginning of Lent, I offer a blessing with holy water at the three
churches on Ash Wednesday. Please do not leave your car.
I will be at:

Grangegeeth church  11.15 until 12 noon
Rushwee church        12.15 until
Rathkenny church       7pm until 8pm

There is a prayer for Lent, borrowed from the diocese of Derry, available in the
churches and, on the website, at the end of the bulletin. Though we can’t attend Mass together at this time, we can be united in praying this prayer each day.

I continue to join Fr Timothy for Sunday Mass, on YouTube, in Lobinstown. I will
offer Mass each day, along with the Mass on RTÉ News Now, at 10.30am, for booked Masses when they arise. On other days, Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Monday      10.30am  Eddie Bellew
Tuesday      10.30am  Gerard Kinsella
Wednesday 10.30am  Christopher and Mary Downey

Think outside the box and put something into the Trocaire box.
Boxes are available
from the churches. This year the envelope containing the box has a helpful Lent calendar and ideas on how money is spent. In challenging times for us all a little can go a long way.

We continue to pray for our primary and secondary school communities. We pray especially
for exam classes and those with special needs. We follow the guidelines so that they can return to school soon.

COVID-19 remains a major challenge for our country and world. Compliance
is bringing down the numbers and vaccines are on the way. Please stay up to date with the facts and do all you can to keep yourself and others safe.

Lent Prayer

Loving Father,
to prepare for his mission of proclaiming your kingdom to the
your Son, Jesus, was guided by your Holy Spirit to the quiet of the desert.

In these Lenten days, I pray that I will be guided by that same Spirit,
to a place of
renewal in my heart and mind,
so that I will seek opportunities for daily personal
personal sacrifices and acts of kindness.
With your help, may I too be
truly prepared
to share in the story of the Passion, Death and Resurrection
Jesus, your Son, our Lord.   

Online donations can now be made to parish and diocesan collections

via the Diocesan website HERE