Sunday, 23 February 2025
Gernonstown Inscriptions PDF Print E-mail

Headstones in Gernonstown Cemetery




to the memory of

Judith Josephine Moonan

who died

on the 19th day of June 1887


Walter Moonan

Father of the above who died

23rd June 1900 aged 76 years

And also his wife

Marcella who died 7th Dec 1928 aged 83 years

This stone is on the Gernonstown Rd side of the church.

Moonans lived in Gernonstown House. They are not recorded in the 1901 or 1911 census

The last of the Moonans in Gernonstown died in the late 1920’s. Presumably this was Marcella who died in 1928


By Matthew Duff


In memory of his father


Who died 8th Feb 1870

And his beloved mother


Who died 12th Oct 1901

Also buried here but not noted on the stone is

Matthew Duff

And Maggie Bennett who died early 1950’s

She was a niece of the Duffs and lived with them as their housekeeper.

Duffs left the farm to Maggie Bennett who sold it to Philip McMahons grandfather.

Maggie Bennett moved to live in the small lodge at Michael Mongey/Jenkinsons house. (Curnihanstown House)

She was a sister of Joe Bennett who lived on the British Hills in Dohertys old house

This headstone is located inside the church

The 1911 census records John Duff (aged 67) living in Rochestown. Presumably John is also buried here. Maggie Bennett (niece) is also recorded in the census



                                                                    Erected By

Francis Wall in memory of his

Beloved father Nicholas Wall

Who died 11th March 1880

Aged 82 years

Also his beloved mother

Margaret Wall

Who died 8th April 1883

Aged 74 years

And also his son

Thomas Francis Wall

Who died Sept 22nd 1885

Aged 19 years

The above Francis Wall

Who died Jan 15th 1889

His brother James who died Feb

27th 1913 aged 87 years

His brother Thomas who died September

11th 1915 aged 75 years

Also Thomas’s wife Rose who died

March 2nd 1902 aged 40 Years

Nicholas son of Thomas and Rose

Died 23rd March 1964 aged 75 years

His wife Kathleen

Who died 23rd June 1970 aged 82 years

And their children

Rose, Michael, Nicholas and Christopher

who died young

Their son Kevin died 13th March 1942 aged 18 years

This headstone is located in the church



Erected by

Mary Doherty

In memory of her husband

Thomas Doherty

Died 20th July 1945 aged 54 years

He above Mary Doherty

Who died 28th September 1961

Aged 69 years

Their son Michael

Who died 19th December 1961 aged 45 years

Their son Thomas

Who died 10th January 1976 aged 63 years

Their son Francis

Who died 4th March 1995 aged 75 years

Their son Nicholas

Who died 30th Oct 2015 aged 87 years

Mary Doherty was a sister of Nicholas Wall who died 1964 from the previous headstone

This stone is located within the church





Mary Lenny


In memory of her mother


Who died 29th April 1921

And her sister

Elizabeth (In religion Sister Angela)

This headstone is located within the church.

The 1911 census records Elizabeth Lanny as living in Rochestown aged 74. She was 84 at time of her death.

The inscription is inlaid in lead


In loving memory of

William Lynch


Died 11th July 1955

Margaret Lynch

Died 1st Feb 1978 aged 92 years

This stone is located outside the church on the Slane side

Pray for the soul of

Bridget O Leary


Who died 27th April 1935

This stone is broken in 3 pieces

No record of who Bridget O Leary was.

No mention of her name on 1911 census.



In loving memory of

Christopher and Rose Sheils




And members of

The Sheils family

Rest in Peace

A small marble slab on the back of the headstone reads

Erected by Christopher Sheils

in memory of his mother Bridget Sheils

who died 6th Jan 1921 aged 69 years




Erected by

John Cregan

In loving memory of

the Cregan family

Fieldstown & Gernonstown Slane

Mary Cregan

Died 13th November 1983

And her husband John

Died 15th November 1991

Tom Cregan Gernonstown is buried here –Died late 1956/early 1957



In loving memory


Julia Brien


Who died May 2nd 1941

Also Michael Reilly

Died Jan 12th 1965

And his wife Mary (ex NT)

Died April 23rd 1975

Aged 91 years

There is a headstone beside the above but too

eroded to get any details

Also a small concrete cross lying on the ground

No inscription




In loving memory


Rose Tiernan


Who died July 1889

Her husband John

Who died 1st June 1885

And their sons


Who died 24th September 1901


Who died 12th Sept 1903

And their daughters

Mary Murray

Who died 28th Oct 1875

And Rose Tiernan

Who died 8th Sept 1907




By Catherine Kellett

In memory of her husband

Peter Kellett who died in June 1866

Aged 60 years

Also her son John who died on the

14th October 1866 aged 30 years

Also her daughter Catherine Kellett

Who died on the 11th February 1867

Aged 25 years

Also James and Catherine Carolan

Ardcalf Slane

And their son Andrew.

Some more information not noted on the stone

James Carolan died 24th Feb 1948 aged 81

Catherine Carolan (Kellett) died 2nd June 1929 aged 50

Andrew Carolan died June 1967 aged 61

Also Lily Carolan who died young

The above Catherine Kellett died June 1877

Her son Patrick died 22nd March 1905 aged 79

His wife Mary (Maguire) died 19th April 1904 aged 72



In memory of

Richard & Elizabeth Flood

Died 18th November 1947

Died 25th April 1952

Floods and Flynns (below) are related



In loving memory of

Leo Kieran Flynn

Rathdrinagh Beauparc

Died 21st Jan 1985 aged 61

His mother Mary

Died 25th November 1947 aged 67

His father John

Died 15th May 1949 aged 80

His sister Mary Mooney

Died 30th March 1972 aged 60

Her husband John

Died 29th June 1952 aged 46

Also his uncles Laurance

Died 1st Dec 1948 aged 68


Died 24th March 1958 aged 80

Rest in Peace



In loving memory


Thomas Ginnity

Died 28th Oct 1918 aged 23

Patrick Ginnity

Died 13th March 1919 aged 31

Matthew Ginnity

Died 23rd July 1923 aged 32

Mary Ginnity

Died 21st Jan 1924 aged 66

Thomas Ginnity

Died 1937 aged 74

His son Andrew

Died 2nd Sept 1957 aged 68


Died 1st Jan 1958 aged 65

Interred St. Colmcilles Kells





By Thomas Crinion in memory

Of his father Richard Crinion

Who died on the 20th January 1872

Aged 72 years and also his

Mother Elizabeth Crinion

Also the above Thomas Crinion

Who died November 28th 1876

And his wife Jane who died

February 12th 1919

Maria Crinion Roestown

Died 22nd June 1953

Her husband Richard

Died 26th August1956

Their daughter Mary

Died 12th April 1967

Their son Thomas died 3rd Jan. 1968

Their grand daughter Elizabeth



This stone was erected

By Mary Crinnan (?Crinnion)

Alias Flemming in memory of her

Husband Michael

Crinnon who Died

Dec Y3 1801 aged 30

Also her son Patrick

Crinnan aged ? years



Erected by

Lizzie Josephine Crinion

In loving memory of her

Dear husband John Crinion

Who died at Stackallen

The 9th August1895

On whose soul may the

Lord Jesus have mercy

This stone is set in the Church wall



Erected by

Michael Crinion of

Rushwee in memory of

His beloved father

Michael Crinion who

Died May 1946 and of his

Mother Annie Crinion

Who died May 1947

Also of his brother Thomas & sisters

Catherine and Mary

Who died

March 1964



In loving memory


Thomas Brady Rushwee

Who died 19th June 1905

And his wife Mary

Who died 29th Oct 1922 aged 82

And their son John who

Died June 29th 1944

His wife Mary

Died 5th March 1963







Mary Doggett


died 6th April 1937

and her husband Patrick

died 23rd Dec 1970

also their daughter Rita

who died young

also their son Patrick

died 25th September2000


Erected by Richard and Phyllis King




Loving memory of

Mary Walsh


Died 4th May 1944

And her husband John

Died 20th Nov 1945



Erected by

Michael Crinion

Of Rushwee

In memory of his daughter

Maria Angela

Who died 9th June 1869

Aged 18 years. The above named

Michael Crinion

Died 11th February 1897

Aged 76 years and his wife


Died 22nd January 1920 aged 92 years

Also their sons

Michael Patrick Crinion B A??

died 14th October 1917

and Thomas Francis

who died 17th Dec 1934 aged 78 years

Ellen wife of T ? Crinion

Who died 23rd March 1954 aged 80years

Headstone in the church





Michael Crinion of

Rushwee to the memory

Of his dear loved

Child Minnie Angela

Who died ??? 1800

Aged 16 years

This headstone is in the church



Erected by Matthew

McConnon of Donore

In memory of his father Denis McConnon

Died 26th February 1795

Aged 76 years

Also his mother Mary

McConnon who died

The 9th of October 1795

Aged 66 years



In loving memory


Robert Doggett


Who died 24th July 1954

Aged 60 years



Erected by

Thomas Brien

In loving memory of


Father and mother


Thomas Brien was known as Joey and was grandfather of Noel and Jimmy.



Erected A D 1869

By Nicholas Curry Slane

In memory of his mother Catherine

Curry who died 18th June 1857 aged

64 years Also his Father Matthew

Curry who died 25th Sept 1852

Aged 72 years and also his beloved

Wife Catherine Curry who died 25th

Nov 1866 aged 30 years



This stone was

Erected AD 1816 by

Thomas Monaghan

Of Roestown in memory

Of his father and mother

James and Catherine

Monaghan who are

here interred.

Here lyeth the body of Thomas

Curran Decce May y26

1770 aged 70 years

Also his wife Catherine

Curran alias Keonan?

Dec ed March y26 1763

Aged 60 years



This stone was erected by

James Greay in the memory of

Father Philip Greay who died

Y May 16th 1761 aged 65 years

Also his wife Elezabeait ? (Elizabeth ?)who

Died March 1767 aged 51 years

There are several generations of Grays also buried here

But no details inscribed on the stone

Matty Gray died late1940’s/early 1950’s

Tommy Gray died 1951

Julia Gray died 1959 aged 91 years

Grays lived in Davidstown

The 1911 census records Catherine Gray living in Davidstown with sons James, Matthew and Thomas and daughter Julia. The 1901 census also records Matthew Gray husband of Catherine It is likely that Catherine, her husband Matthew and son James are also buried here.



Springan family also buried inside the gate on the right

No headstone or grave marker visible

Christy Springan was last to be buried here in 1977

The 1911 census records Patrick and Maggie Springan living in Davidstown with their sons Christy and Patrick and daughters Cathleen Maggie and Bridget.

Patrick and Maggie would be buried here along with Patricks brother James who lived with them. No record of where Cathleen and Maggie were buried but Bridget was married in Dublin (Bridget O’Rourke) and is most likely buried in Dublin.



Jesus Mary Joseph Salvator


Adulosic salva?

Protégé defende



L’alumuni clic/ehicm

Sublioti apido

Lacchiom loscpli

Slanicchujus J C

Obhi --- nobchibhs

1700 ciccrat


Supihagelsimo Quarto

This stone is on the right hand side of the gate and is flat.

It could be the grave of Father Plunkett who was buried in Gernonstown cemetery in 1760.Hard to make out the inscription – needs more work

This is the only flat stone found and is facing opposite to all other stones

In addition there are 3 flat stones inside the church walls which may be headstones – cannot read them.




The baptismal font which was located inside the church seems to have been taken to the back of Rushwee church.



There are 4 large stone pieces with carvings on them dumped in the left hand corner of the cemetery inside the gate. Does anyone have any idea what they might be???

In addition we have recently discovered a headstone partially buried in the corner along the Gernonstown road/Slane side of the cemetery. We are not able to move it to see if we can read any inscription which may be on it.



 Editor:  My thanks to James Carolan for the above information