Saturday, 27 July 2024
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time PDF Print E-mail

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Timelambofgod
Gerry Boyle PP  046 9054138

 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity [18-24th January]
 seeks to explore how the work of Christian Unity can contribute to the promotion of racial justice across all levels of society. The theme is Belonging: Praying for unity amidst injustice.

Pope Francis tweeted  The paths of peace are paths of solidarity, for no one can be saved alone. We live in a world so interconnected that, in the end, the actions of each person affect everyone. Let us always remember that the way we treat the last and the least of our brothers and sisters speaks of the value we place upon all human life.

Masses this weekend and in the coming week:

Saturday      6.30pm    Rushwee            
Sunday      10.00am    Grangegeeth       Margaret King   1st Anniversary
                  11.30am    Rathkenny           Curtis and McMahon families, Faganstown, College Hill
                                                                Molly Halligan  (Month's Memory)                                                                                                        
Monday       9.00am     Rathkenny
Tuesday       7.30pm     Grangegeeth      
Wednesday  9.00am     Rathkenny          
Thursday     7.30pm     Rushwee                                                
Friday          7.30pm     Rathkenny         

Saturday      6.30pm    Rushwee              
Sunday       10.00am    Grangegeeth        Lily Martin (1st Anniversary)
                   11.30am    Rathkenny           Louise Meade, Margaret Gore

Online Donations
Online donations can now be made to parish and diocesan collections

via the Diocesan website  HERE

Thanks to all who have returned envelopes for parish funds, Christmas and Easter offerings, Trocaire, cemeteries, and other collections over the past year.

Synod 2023/24
Thanks to all who participated in the Synodal process during Lent 2022.

More on the Diocesan Website HERE  or at

The National synthesis is available at the above sites as well.

 Catholic Schools Week  22-29th January
Theme:  Walking Together in Faith and Love
Will be held soon in our parish schools. Each school seeks to help students along their journey, nurturing their gifts and talents.

World Youth Day (1-6th August 2023) will be celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal for young people (18-25) from all over the world.
If you would like to be part of a group from the Diocese, see the diocesan website or attend:
an Information Evening
in Trim Pastoral Centre
on Fri 27th January, 7pm