Friday, 14 March 2025
Pope honours Our Lady PDF Print E-mail

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

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“That which is truly great, often goes unnoticed. But that quiet silence proves to be more fruitful than the frantic chaos that characterizes our city.”

It's through that silence, said the Pope,  that one can listen to God's voice. A voice, that's greater than evil... and just like Mary, it's full of grace

“It reminds us that the power of God's love is stronger than evil. It can fill all the gaps provoked by people's selfishness, families, nations and the world.”

Despite material remedies, only the Grace of God can cure a sense of emptiness. The joy that comes with Grace is not found in possessions, but in that which no one can take away.

“The false remedies offered by the world to fill this void, emblematically drugs, only deepen this abyss. Only God's love can stop this fall. Love itself will not do though, it must be love that carries within it the pure Grace of God, which transforms and renews.”

The Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception goes back to 1854, when the Church declared that Our Lady was conceived without original sin. Ever since then the Pope pays homage by going before her statue, praying and offering Our Lady flowers.