Thursday, 26 September 2024
Christmas 2022 PDF Print E-mail

Christmas Day 2022advent5c
Gerry Boyle PP  046 9054138

I wish you all a very happy Christmas. Welcome home to any visitors, and those for whom this  Christmas is different are particularly in our thoughts and prayers. Thankyou for your suppport of the parish and myself personally at this time.
Thanks to all who contributed to the St Vincent de Paul collection, and for all your charitable donations, helping to make the Christmas message real for so many.

Lord, I know you always give us the chance to start again with you.
You are always ready to renew your friendship with each of us.
Your birth was a sign of new hope, a new beginning, a fresh start.
Let the splendour of your birth, let the wonder of your presence,
the miracle of your being-with-us, light up our minds and hearts,
to bring us the blessings of your love and peace this Christmas.

Masses this weekend and in the coming week:

Saturday           5pm    Rathkenny           Christmas Eve
                    6.30pm    Rushwee            

Sunday      10.00am    Grangegeeth         Christmas Day
                  11.30am    Rathkenny           
Monday     11.00am     Rathkenny
Tuesday       7.30pm     Grangegeeth      
Wednesday  9.00am     Rathkenny          
Thursday     7.30pm     Rushwee                                                
Friday          9.00am     Rathkenny         

Saturday      6.30pm    Rushwee               Edward, Joe and Eamonn Corrigan
Sunday       10.00am    Grangegeeth        
                   11.30am    Rathkenny            Teresa, John and Mamie Meade, Ladyrath

RIP  Patrick Crosbie, Manchester

Online Donations
Online donations can now be made to parish and diocesan collections

via the Diocesan website  HERE

Thanks to all who have returned envelopes for parish funds, Christmas and Easter offerings, Trocaire, cemeteries, and other collections over the past year.

Synod 2023/24
Thanks to all who participated in the Synodal process during Lent 2022.

More on the Diocesan Website HERE  or at

The National synthesis is available at the above sites as well.

Being light in the darkness is what the candles in our windows symbolize. They are candles of hope in the midst of despair, 
candles of peace for places of discord, candles of joy for those in sadness, candles of courage for those in fear, candles of love and care for all.       Intercom