Monday, 10 March 2025
Joseph Today PDF Print E-mail

Where do we find Joseph in our world today? For one, in the countless events that impact on family life. Here is a report from Mexico about one such event:

Bishop calls for defense of life against the "Herods and Pilates" of our times

gasperinAs the possible legalization of abortion looms in the Mexican capital, Bishop Mario De Gasperin of Queretaro has called on Mexicans to defend life and not to allow the Herods and Pilates of our times to slaughter the unborn.

In a message marking the Solemnity of St. Joseph, the bishop said that government leaders are acting like Herod or Pilate when they tell women to "solve the problem however you can. If you want to kill the child that is in your way, do it, because we will not oppose you."

"Public servants are precisely that, servants, not owners of life, of individuals, of couples, of married persons. Neither are they God. They are mere mortals just like us. They are merely servants of the well-being of all, they should make wise laws so that everyone can live in fairness, with justice and peace, because if they do not do so, not only do they fail in their duty, they also lose credibility and legitimacy," he said.

Bishop De Gasperin noted that after the death of King Herod, Saint Joseph continued protecting the child Jesus in Galilee and thus he taught us to always remain vigilant so that the attacks against the unborn do not catch us off guard.

He added that unfortunately in Mexico today, there are repeated attempts to pass laws that "minimize the value of marriage, the family and human life to the point of destroying it, especially when it comes to the unborn.

Bishop De Gasperin emphasized that the state has the duty to reach out to women in crisis pregnancies and provide them assistance. "Nothing can justify the taking of an innocent human life," he said.

Mexico City, Mar 22, 2007 / 11:29 am (CNA).