Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Anima Christi PDF Print E-mail

This is a well-known poetic version of the above after-communion prayer, sometimes attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas . . .

The Anima Christi

Translation from the Latin by John Henry Newman


Soul of Christ, be my sanctification;

Body of Christ, be my salvation.

Blood of Christ, fill all my veins;

Water from Christ's side, wash out my stains.

Passion of Christ, my comfort be.

O good Jesus, listen to me.

In Thy wounds I fain would hide

Ne'er to be parted from Thy side.

Guard me should the foe assail me;

Call me when my life shall fail me.

Bid me come to Thee above

With Thy saints to sing Thy love

World without end. Amen.


This prayer may be followed by a prayer of thanksgiving . . .

O Jesus, receive my poor offering.
Jesus, You have given Yourself to me.
Now let me give myself to Thee:
I give you my body, that it may be chaste and pure.
I give you my soul, that it may be free from sin.
I give you my heart, that it may always love You.
I give you every breath that I shall breathe, and especially my last.
I give You myself, in life and in death, to be Thine forever and ever!


Litany of the Most Precious Blood