Confirmation in Rathkenny
The celebration of the Silver Jubilee of Ordination of its Bishop has been a rare occurrence in our Diocese, and the Parish joins with all the parishes in rejoicing in this happy occasion.
On Wednesday, Most Reverend Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath and successor of the Apostles, conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on the young people of Stackallen School and Rathkenny School . . .
St Louis National School,
Name | Surname |
Paul |
Casserley |
Callaghan |
Commons |
Brian |
Crinion |
Patrick |
Doyle |
David |
Farrelly |
Thomas |
Gore |
Caolach |
Halligan |

St Patrick's National School, Stackallen
Name | Surname |
Emily |
Byrne |
Grace |
Canning |
James |
Carolan |
Lisa |
Carolan |
Sadhbh |
Corcoran |
Ann Marie |
Crilly |
Heather |
Dixon |
Jack |
Dixon |
Aoife |
Doherty |
Emer |
Doherty |
Jayne |
Duddy |
Jack |
Dunne |
Áine |
Farrelly |
Robert |
Garry |
Faye |
Gilroy |
Aisling |
Goodwin |
Rebecca |
Grimes |
Stacey |
Grimes |
Aoife |
Kealy |
Jack |
Kennedy |
Robert |
Lynch |
Cormac |
Maguire |
Katie |
Matthews |
Conor |
McColgan |
Thomas |
McGuinness |
Bronagh |
McKenna |
Kate |
McLarney |
Ita |
Meade |
Thomas |
Meade |
Jack |
Mennis |
Seán |
Mongey |
Patrick |
Nulty |
Conor |
O'Boyle |
Jennifer |
O'Brien |
Chloe |
O'Connor |
Jamie |
O'Halloran |
Edward |
Reilly |
Hannah |
Ryan |
Evan |
Shields |
Aoife |
Smyth |
Aisling |
Taaffe |
Keith |
Timmons |
Louie |
Timmons |
Fionn |
Toomes |
David |
Walsh |
Joanne |
Ward |
Conor |
Weldon |
Pádraig |
Wogan |
Preparations and rehearsals with a few days to go. Class Teachers confer, left to right, Ms. Mary Hanley (6th Class Stackallen), Ms. Nora Flynn (5th Class), and Ms Miriam Coogan (5th and 6th Rathkenny). |
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
At the Last Supper Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, to the apostles. The Holy Spirit would strengthen them and be with them always.
After our Lord's ascension into heaven, His apostles and disciples gathered together in an upper room with Mary His Mother, and the holy women. Numbering about one hundred and twenty persons, they spent their time in prayer.
On the tenth day a sound like a mighty wind filled the whole house, and tongues of fire came down upon the head of each one of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in many strange tongues.
Before the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles were afraid. After they had received the Holy Spirit, they were filled with courage and feared nothing. Peter, who had denied his Master three times, came forth with the other apostles, and stood before the crowd.
"Men of Israel," he said "hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth whom you have crucified and put to death by the hands of wicked men, God has raised up. We are all witnesses. And now that He has been taken up into heaven and is at the right of God, He has poured forth His Holy Spirit, which you see and hear, even as He promised."
About three thousand persons were converted by this first sermon. They were baptised and united with the rest of the disciples. And they continued faithfully in the teaching of the apostles and in the Communion of the breaking of the bread and in prayer.
After the feast of Pentecost, the apostles went out into the world and preached Christ crucified. They performed many miracles and converted many people.
The Church, founded by Jesus Christ, will last to the end of time because He sent the Holy Spirit to strengthen, guide and keep it from error, and because He said,
"Behold, I am with you all days, even to the end of the world."
(from The New Catholic Picture Bible: Popular Stories from the Old and New Testament by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. Divine Word Missionary )